

Choreographie:                        Guyton Mundy



Mary J. Blige                           Family Affair



32 count,     4-wall,         mittelschwerer line dance


Toe touches, step, ¼ turn, toe touch, shuffle, scuff ½ turn

1 & 2      rouch right toe to front, to ride side, behind left

3 – 4       step right to right, make a ¼ turn CCW while touching left toe in to right

5 & 6      shuffle forward L, R, L,

7 & 8      Scuff right forward while doing a ¼ turn CCW, Scuff right back while doing ¼ turn

                        CCW, step back on R


Bumps, touch, back & back, step, ½ turn sweep

1&2        bump hips left, right, left, while transferring weight to the left foot

3 – 4       touch right forward, step back on right

&5 – 6    step left back to right, step back on right, touch left to right

7 – 8       step forward on left, sweep right foot around making a ½ turn CCW


Shuffle, rock, hitch ¼ , hitch ½,

1 & 2      shuffle back right, left, rock back on right

3 – 4       step forward on left, hitch right foot up making a ¼ turn CCW

5 – 6       rock down on right , recover left

7 – 8       hitch right foot up while making a ½ turn CCW, step down on right


Syncopation, touch, shuffle, full turn

1 & 2      step left behind right, step right to side, step left in front of right,          

3 – 4       step right to side. touch left to right

5 & 6      while doing a ¼ turn CCW shuffle forward left, right, left

7 – 8       step forward on right while making ½ turn CCW, step back on left while making

                        ½ turn CCW