

Askin’ Question


Choreographie:            Larry Bras



Brady Seals                Askin’ Questions


32 count             4-wall                                           beginner line dance

Trofana 2010



Kick, step, point, kick, step, point, heel & heel & touch & touch

1 & 2     Kick right forward, step ball of right beside left, point left to left side

3 & 4     Kick Left forward, step ball of left beside right, point right to right side

5 &        Touch right heel forward, step right beside left

6 &        Touch left heel forward, step left beside right

7 &        Touch right beside left while turnng right knee inward, step right beside left

8            Touch left beside right while turning left knee inward


Rolling turn left, side shuffle, cross over rock step, side shuffle ¼ turn

1 – 2      Rolling to left, turn ¼ turn left & step left forward; continue rolling to left turn ½ turn left

                        & step right back

3 & 4     Continue rolling left, turn ¼ turn left & shuffle left (l – r – l)

5 – 6      Step right across left, rock back onto left

7 & 8     Shuffle right, left, right to right side while turning ¼ turn right


Step ¾ pivot, side shuffle, sailor shuffle, behind, side across

1 – 2      Step left forward; pivot ¾ turn right onto right

3 & 4     Shuffle Left (l – r – l)

5 & 6     Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right diagonally forward to right side

7 & 8     Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left across right


Side rock ¼ turn, ½ turning shuffle, rock step, forward shuffle

1 – 2      Step right to right side; rock left onto to left while turning ¼ turn left

3 & 4     Shuffle forward right, left, right while turning ½ turn left

5 – 6      Step left back; rock forward onto right

7 & 8     Shuffle forward Left (l – r – l)



Tanz beginnt von vorne